The Gragg Family we know it...

Friday, February 03, 2006

Dear family and friends,

We want to thank you for your prayers. Life today has been hard.

After giving him back at 1:30, I spent the day crying and trying to beg God for answers. He was silent. I tried to reason. He was silent. Finally, I was still...and He spoke.

We decided to go home tomorrow. Well, not directly home...we are going to Charlotte to be with Jody's brother and sister-in-law for a few days to get some loving. They graciously offered for us to come and grieve before returning to life in Blairsville.

When I say God spoke, it was a gentle nudge to call Brandy and her mother and ask if we could come pray for them. So we went tonight. I have to tell you, it took every ounce of who I am in Christ for me to walk up to that door. Knowing that I would probably never hold this child of my heart again, we went in to pray. We shared some stuff about how we felt...and we truly believe that God brought us here to be an instrument for Him in this family's life. I shared that she carried this child for 9 months, and had the pain of childbirth...and that I have carried him in my heart and have labored in my heart for this child and that I will always love him as my own. We then prayed, and I have to tell you, the prayers that Jody and I prayed literally came from our Father. We didn't pray anything from ourselves...God was in that room with us.

After praying for them, I held Nathan and was able to pray over him....that God would bless him and protect him...that the angel's of Heaven would guard him. I also prayed that one day he would know about us and how we loved him and how I hope in some small way that he would remember us.

Then we left. I was able to hold myself together untill we left. Then, I lost it again and it was all I could do to not pass out. I can only describe the pain as what it feels like to have a death...or possibly what it feels like to loose a child. I hope none of you ever have to experience this....

My sister-in-law, Bridgett, left me the sweetest voicemail about a song she had heard on the radio today and how it was fitting to our situation right now where we are. Jody had just downloaded this album from iTunes, and we happened to have it on our laptop and I listened to it when we got back to our friend's home. I want to share it with you, as I hope God will touch your heart through our experience.

It's called:

"Praise you in this storm"

I was sure by now, God You would have reached down and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day but once again, I say amen, and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls, I barely hear Your whisper through the rain, I'm with You.
And as Your mercy falls, I’ll raise my hands and praise the God who gives, and takes away

And I'll praise You in this storm, and I'll lift my hands
For You are who You are, no matter where I am
Every tear I've cried, You hold in your hand,
You never left my side, and though my heart is torn,
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when, I stumbled in the wind; You heard my cry to You and raised me up again.
My strength is almost gone, how can I carry on, if I can't find You.?
I lift my eyes unto the hills, where does my help come from.?
My help come from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
I lift my eyes unto the hills, where does my help come from.?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
And though my heart is torn, I'll praise You in this storm.

Please continue to pray for us. And for Brandy and her mother, Vicky. We want the best for them...and believe that somehow, someway, God has used us and our pain to touch their lives. And if they come to know him through this...then our pain was so worth it.

We love you,

Lori (Jody and Alex)


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