The Gragg Family we know it...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Family and Friends,

Jody and I want to thank all of you for the outpouring of love and support
we've received over the last week and a half and especially the last few days
when we've had to deal with losing Nathan. Friday was one of the worst days
of my life, and I wouldn't want to go through it ever again.

We actually are doing better than I thought we would. All the time we had
Nathan, we constantly were concerned about his birthmom changing her
mind. While we were staying with our friends in Ohio, my stomach was in
knots and now my jeans are all a little too big for me! I don't think we could
grieve any deeper for the loss of this child. But, Jody and I are also filled with
such a great peace knowing that we have favor with God and are in His will.

We and I know that many of you have wondered why something that was so
covered in prayer from the very beginning could end up this way. And why
did God even bring him into our lives if he wasn't here to stay? Well, from the
moment we brought Nathan home, we prayed over him. Every time I rocked
him I prayed for him and claimed his life for Jesus. Many of you prayed for
him and are continuing to do so now. Someday the sadness of this time will
pass, and Jody and I will have more children that God has chosen for us. But,
the prayers that we said for Nathan are eternal. I believe God placed that
sweet angel with us for four days so that we could cover him in prayer before
he started his life's journey. Before he went back to his birthmom, we asked
God to protect him and lead Nathan to Him. Jody and I will pray for him for
the rest of our lives, and we ask that all of you please continue to pray for
him as well.

Not only were we able to pray for Nathan, but we were able to be a Godly
witness to Nathan's birthmother and grandmother and mother's sister. Only
God knows their hearts...but we ask you to continue in prayer for this family
as Brandy has a long road ahead of her...and she will need Jesus in her life to
make it. We are praying for their salvation.

We are sad, but our hope and trust is in Christ. We feel that God has a perfect
plan in all of this, and there is great comfort in that. We loved Nathan
enough to let him go.

We love all of you too, and thank God that such wonderful people care for us
and are a part of our lives.

~Jody, Lori and Alex


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