The Gragg Family we know it...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Wanted to share some images from the trip home. Remember the storm I was talking about? It was storming, literally, the day we left Ohio...

Here are some candids of Alex and Jody waiting to board the plane...

And this is after we flew above the storm. I believe this is where the Lord will have us...above this storm in life, and we will look back over the clouds and see how beautiful His plan is and how perfect His hand works.

My Alex
This is a typical afternoon for my boy when it's nice out. He and Symphony LOVE to pitter-pat around the yard in the "Gator". As soon as I ask Alex if he wants to go outside to ride the Gator, guess who makes a bee line for the door? Yep! Symphony....and up into that thing she goes and doesn't get out until he is back in the garage with it. LOL. I love my afternoons with my boy!


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