The Gragg Family we know it...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Weeeeeeeeeeeeellll.....we have added some critters to the equation of our life.

Alex has become quite obsessed with fish. From knowing what an angler fish is, to seeing the Disney Electromagic parade with fish passing by and saying "look daddy, it's a school!!!!!". So, we got him a tank for his room. It's only a 20 gal...but he LOVES it. He gives me play-by-plays of what is happening while I am in other parts of the house. We got 3 itty-bitty zebra fish to "test" the water and condition the tank, so to speak. We also got a Beta...because, well, to be frank about it, they are die hard. So, Larry the Beta is welcomed into the tank with Eeny, Meeny and Miney (no clue if those spellings are right. Thank God for phonics). Anyhow, Eeny, Meeny and Miney are the three zebras and for right now, we have no MO...LOL.

Sorry for the stinky images. Had to run the ISO way up, so they are kinda grainy...and besides, fish are NOT natural posers AT ALL!!!!


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